Your personal bequest from your love of music

Have you ever considered making a charitable bequest in your will? Perhaps you want to bequeath something to society that is close to your heart? Our orchestra and Friends Association offer various ways to give financial support from your estate following your death by means of a bequest in your will.
All these matters will be treated with the greatest sensitivity, of course, since a bequest is not only a significant token of your appreciation for our orchestra and musicians, but above all a symbolic way of taking your final bow. It bears witness to testament to what was so valuable in your life, and as a wonderful gift to pass on to future generations.
It is not easy to include our beautiful orchestra as a beneficiary in the will, so you will receive personal consultation and advice from our account manager if desired. It is good to know that:
- Our orchestra is a charity with a cultural ANBI status. So you can be sure that your entire gift ends up in the right place.
- You decide whether or not you disclose that you are a legator.
- Any amount is possible, and you choose a destination in consultation that you have notarized.
- You can be closely involved in all activities organized by our orchestra.
- You can also set up a Named Fund; a donation (from € 100.000) with a specific assignment that you determine in consultation with the orchestra. You choose the name and objective of this fund yourself. You can do this during your life, but also via a decision in the will.
“I think it is great that I was able to dictate my personal wishes regarding my estate to my notary. I decided to leave my money in specified proportions to a number of charities and organisations for the public benefit, including this orchestra. My feeling was that I have been a member of this club for such a long time, this orchestra will always be in my heart, so let it benefit to the full.”
- Rinus Degeling, Friend and Patron, testamentary bequest made in 2004
More information & contact
You can choose to have your wishes recorded by your notary without informing us. The following information is important to ensure that your gift is sent to the correct destination.
You can leave the donation to the Philharmonic Fund Foundation or to the Friends of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. Your personal preference or specific destination is leading here:
- Would you like to use your gift for education, talent development, innovation and foreign activities? In that case, include the Philharmonic Fund Foundation in your will. Address: Kruisstraat 2, 3012 CT Rotterdam. For questions about bequests to the Philharmonic Fund, please contact Agnes Wijers via +31 (0)6 488 759 73 or
- Would you like to use your gift for instruments? In that case, include the Friends of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in your will. Address: Kruisstraat 2, 3012 CT Rotterdam. For questions about bequests to the Friends of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, please contact Nadja Bremer via +31 (0)6 144 089 63 or