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Long-term engagement in our future

A role as patron would be just right for you if you want to contribute over the long term to the preservation of our arts and culture, and our orchestra in particular, and are therefore willing to enter into a several-year commitment with us. 

We would like to take you regularly behind the scenes so that you can see for yourself what your gift already means for our orchestra, and you will receive priority access to ordering concert series.

The Rotterdam Philharmonic offers donors various ways to provide financial support, along with related activity programs:

  • From €1,000 per year or €5,000 one-time
  • From €5,000 per year or €25,000 one-time
  • From €10,000 per year or €50,000 one-time

Thanks to the loyal support of our Patrons, many sustainable and innovative projects have already been funded, including the renovation of the music library, the ‘orchestra explorer’ that enables young people to explore the orchestra in a fun way using Virtual Reality, as well as various commissions for compositions by young talent and many special concert projects.

You can become a donor with a recurring gift of just 1.000 euros per year over a period of five years. With the maximum available tax benefit, this means a net gift of just 375 euros per year. You can use our gift calculator to find out the net cost to you of your contribution.


Donor programmesfrom
€1.000 p/yr
€5.000 p/yr
 €10.000 p/yr
  • Subscribtion to Intrada
         ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Access to concert introductions
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Friends repetitions (one of which is Meet&Greet)
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Priority access for ordering series
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Attribution in the season brochure and on the website
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Celebratory opening concert at the start of the season
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Presentation of the new season by the artistic manager
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • 'Thank you' evening for donors
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Chamber music concert and a personal meeting with the Academy
          ✔         ✔        ✔
  • Winter Guests, get acquainted with a member of the orchestra
          ✔        ✔
  • Between Art and Sound: Chamber Music in a museum
          ✔        ✔
  • Supper with the (chief) conductor, concertmaster and the managing board
  • Travel along with the orchestra to international stages*
  • A concert at home (by granting 50.000 euros)

Named funds

Siemons-Muller Fund | Smits-Schiebroek Fund


Marina van Aalst-Kleyn-van Willigen | Hein van Ameijden | Kyong-Ok van Ameijden-Kim | Joke en Paul de Beijer | Arnold van der Bie en Ellen Kruiten | Mr H. van Brakel | Mr R.C.W. Brouwer | Hans van Buuren | Mr R. Buwalda | Marjan en Robbert Cohen | Misters Bieseman and Couvreur | Mr M. Degeling | Misters Demkes and Tettero | Mr mr. W. Dommering | Annemarie Advokaat-van den Doel | Mr P.J.M. Drion | Misters J.A.P. Ector and W. van den Berg | Mr and Mrs Elkenbracht-Huizing | Ms K.E. van Essen | Mr and Mrs Filbri-van Wieringen | Ms I.I. Filmer-Wijngaarde | Mr D.J. de Frenne | Bart en Marleen Gerretsen | Mr drs. F.G. Gompen | Misters K.B. Gould and Th.C.M. Kemperman | Ms Grapperhaus | Mr A.D.H. Groenenboom | Mr J.A. Groenendaal | Mr B.J.W. de Haas | Ms P.A.Th. Hazen | Hans Heesterbeek and Mariëlle Franken | Mr and Mrs Henneveld | Door Hezemans | Joke Hol-Seij | Ms G.J. De Hoog-van Pelt | Mr and Mrs Hudig-Deiters | Ms E.B.M. Jansen | Mr and Mrs Jansen-Oei | Mr prof. dr. H. Jeekel | Mr and Mrs de Jong-Guillen | Jan Willem and Lottie van der Kamp-Koning | Mr Van Ketel and Ms Te Spenke | Maria Kiebêrt | Mr and Mrs Kolff-Willinge | Mr and Mrs Kolthof | Peter and Adriana Koudstaal | Mr N.M. Kramer | Ms L.A. Kramer-Seijffardt | Ms L.M. Kruidenier-Winkelman | Ton van der Laan and Sue Goldberg | Misters P.J.M. van Laarhoven and E.O.O. Ringes | Hilde Laffeber-Nicolaï | Mr and Mrs Langendaal-Braams | Ms H. Lamberts-Stibbe | Jaap Lampe and Jetske Vulsma |  Ms Th.A. de Lange | Mr A.R. Leemreis | Joop van Lenteren and Vanda Helena Paes Bueno I Willem and Anneke Marsman | Ms C.J.M. Martens | Mr F. Meima and Mrs E.M. Wubbe | Eric Möhringer and Janny van Vliet | Ms J. van der Molen | Mr. J. de Muinck Keizer | Ms C.M. Muller-Kraaijvanger | Mr and Mrs Muller-Schoof | Mr P.J.F. Niemantsverdriet | Jan and Veneeta van Noord | Mr and Mrs van Oosten-Snoek | Ms M.F. Peters-Slough and Mr A. Peters | Els Peters-Zwerus and Hans Zwerus | Ronald Pfeiffer | Misters G.C. Poolman and F.J. Hilgers | Leo Pronk and Korrie Van Kampenhout | Mevrouw E.E. Raven-Boshuizen | Familie Reinerie | Mr H.P.C. van Roermund | Mr and Mrs Roijers | Mathilde Rol | Elly Rood-Pijpers | Mr M.C. Roose and Ms M.O. Blagovici | Ms A.M. Schaap | Mr and Mrs Schraven-Swart | Truus Segers and Wim Vrouenraets | Mr and Mrs Servaas | Ms M.G.A.B.I. Smeels | Ms C. Somerwil | Mr W.H.A. Somerwil | Elly van der Spek-Verhoef | Doelwijk Foundation – Mr W.E. Ruys | Saphir Foundation | Mr J.A.W.M. Strooij | Henk and Maggy Swets | Mr and mrs Uneken-de Kruijff | Aat Vandersmissen | Ms van der Velde | Mr P. Vellekoop and Ms F. Vellekoop-Monna | Ms F. Verhoef-Blokland | Eline Vis | Mr and Mrs Visser | Kleijn van Willigen-Goddard Foundation | Annelies van der Vorm | Ms N.E. van der Wal and Mr J. Berkenbosch | Jan and Trudy Walschots | Ms E.D. Walstra | Ms B.H.H.M. Wammes-Houx | Ms R. Warnaar-van den Hoven | Dick and Agnes van Wensveen | Mr van Wersch

Several donors prefer to remain anonymous.

Our donors have already made many projects possible. We present a selection of these below:

Renovation of changing rooms and purchase of lockers
Patrons contributed to the renovation of the musicians’ changing rooms carried out over the end of 2021 and start of 2022. Together with De Doelen, a choice was made for sustainable renovation work. With new sanitation, and the use of LED lighting, motion detectors, and sustainable (recycled) flooring, the orchestra can enjoy these facilities for at least another 20 to 30 years. For the members of our orchestra, the best part is the custom-made lockers: high enough to hang the men’s suits and women’s dresses, and safe enough to store valuable instruments.

During the year of corona the education department, with a small contribution from the Maecenas Fund, developed digital teaching materials and now makes this material accessible via LessonUp, a programme that can be utilised by all types of education and at all levels. The LessonUp lessons library contains over 500,000 lessons, from science to music, all of them digitally accessible. These lessons are used a lot by schools. 

Renovation of music library
At the end of 2018 the Maecenas Fund launched a crowd-funding campaign to finance the urgently-needed renovation of our orchestra’s music library. The work was undertaken in 2019. We are proud of the end result, achievable thanks to private donations and a donation from the Friends Association. We now have the benefit of a modern, practical room where we can safely store all our musical scores and where musicians, soloists and conductors can be welcomed in a fitting manner. There is even now room for a display case for a number of historical items related to the orchestra, such as the baton used by Eduard Flipse. We are grateful to everyone who made a contribution to our music library.

VR orchestra explorer
The Maecenas Fund made a contribution to the VR orchestra explorer, in which young people can have fun meeting the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra in virtual reality. They can walk in a simulated world across the stage between musicians, listen to the orchestra from various vantage points, and listen to and play the various instruments. This provides an exciting, energising, and educational experience, as well as offering a hugely effective installation by which to introduce young people to the orchestra at festivals and other events.

Flight cases
After years of heavy use, the old flight cases needed replacing. Furthermore, the old flight cases offered insufficient protection against variations in climate during the orchestra’s tours.
Our orchestra’s assistants worked alongside Hikzia van Kralingen, expert in the transportation of artwork, to design new flight cases that could guarantee the safe transport of the orchestra’s valuable instruments. We are sincerely grateful to all our friends and patrons who helped make this possible!

“As a child my parents took me to our orchestra’s concerts. Now I take my parents. The concert hall is like a second home. The musicians are like friends. The experience of listening to wonderful music in a full hall is beyond compare. I want future generations to be able to share this same experience and I hope that I can contribute by making a financial commitment to the orchestra as a Patron for a period of several years. That way, the thing I have loved all my life will still be flourishing when I’ve gone.

- Helen van Vliet, patron since 2014

Do you have a question or would you like more information?

Contact us, we will be happy to assist you.
Agnes Wijers
Account Manager Donors
Customer service
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