The dearest wish (6+)
Toon Tellegen and Corrie van Binsbergen wrote a musical story about wishes, dreams and deep desires.

One day, all the animals sit together in the forest and say what their dearest wish is. The cricket wants every day to be his birthday, the millipede would like 500 new pairs of shoes and the ant wants nothing at all. The last to speak is the squirrel. His dearest wish is to make a song for everyone. While the others were talking, he was writing a song. Before the animals go home they all sing it together! A musical story – and a familiar one. About our wishes, our big dreams and our deep desires.
Programme & performers
Van Binsbergen
The dearest wish

During the performance everyone, big and small, can sing along and dance with the orchestra and Freek, here you can practice: Are you participating?
De liefste wens - song
De kakkerlak - dance
Join the animals in the forest

A warm bath of youthful desire.