Someday We’ll Find Us
Sparks fly and shock you – seductive and disruptive at the same time.
Symphonic music and indie pop, musical and cabaret, echoes of opera, renaissance and genres of music that do not yet have a name: all of this fuses together in one large hymn for the enticement of the unknown. Someday We'll Find Us creates the necessary space for an evening filled with curiousity. Without taking the bait of boundaries or convention, this programme will take you as far as your imagination can reach.
Music by Debussy and Van Veldhuizen, Sondheim and Björk, three top soloists, the Rotterdam Philharmonic in top form and Manoj Kamps as conductor-theater producer: these are the ingredients for this irresistable cocktail. And this is only the part of the programme that takes place in the Grand Hall. The magic already commences at the start of the evening upon entrance. When the doors open, master photographer Rik Versteeg (creator of the header for this webpage) will host a small exhibition and a mini studio in the foyer, where guests can be portrayed in glamorous fashion. After the concert, the music continues in in that same foyer with a set of intimate Sondheim songs. Come, and continue be marveled.
Programme & performers
Van Veldhuizen unde imber et ignes
Debussy Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune
Debussy From Nocturnes: Fêtes
Björk Songs
Sondheim Songs
Rik Versteeg's exhibition and mini studio can be visited prior to the concert.

What is this enticement, where does it come from?