Prokofiev and Rachmaninoff
Magical sounds from the pen of three Russian composers: an ode to the power of the imagination.

The concerts on Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 March will be conducted by Lawrence Renes. He replaces Timur Zangiev, who is absent due to illness. Lawrence Renes takes over the concert programme unchanged.
Fairytale castles and sunny gardens: a dream world opens up at the end of Gubaidulina’s Fairytale Poem. That mood continues in Prokofiev’s First Violin Concerto with a melody that takes us to increasingly dizzying heights, the start of a breathtaking adventure. This concert programme ends with an ode to the power of the imagination: Rachmaninoff’s magical Second Symphony.
Programme & performers
Fairytale Poem
First Violin Concerto
Symphony No. 2
An hour prior to the concerts on 17 and 19 March there is a concert introduction in the Van Cappellenzaal.

An ode to the power of imagination

Glorious… crackling fireworks and rich poetic expressiveness.