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Mahler 9 with Lahav Shani

Symphonic23 May '25 - 25 May '25

A hymn to life; the last symphony Mahler managed to complete.

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Capturing the world in sound: for Mahler that was the essence of composing. In his all-important Eighth, he said he had made the universe resonate, his late work was dominated by stillness. His Ninth Symphony - the last he managed to complete - thus became a laude to life, culminating in an elusive resounding farewell: the music of the ultimate.

Programme & performers

Ninth Symphony

Lahav Shani
ConductorLahav Shani
The world
faded in sound
Mahler's "Tragic" set the concert hall on fire. Overwhelming and magnificent!
Visitoron Mahler 6

All play dates of Mahler 9 with Lahav Shani

Friday 23 May 20258:15 PM
Rotterdamde Doelen (Grand Hall)
Sunday 25 May 20252:15 PM
Rotterdamde Doelen (Grand Hall)

Watch, listen and marvel:

Asmik Grigorian concert foto
Yannick Nezet Seguin concert foto met hem zittend op een klassieke trap
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