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Anima Obscura

Opera28 May '25 - 01 Jun '25

Occult practices in the search for immortality.

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In her first production for Scapino as artistic director, Nanine Linning explores the desire for immortality: from the occult practices of alchemists to the experiments of biohackers. Anima Obscura is a lavish total artwork in which choreography, video performance, animation, holograms, costume design, and live music merge. The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Laurens Symfonisch, and harpist Remy van Kesteren are responsible for the latter.

Programme & performers


Ein Schemen

Choreographer & Director
Nanine Linning
Scapino Ballet
Laurens Symfonisch
Giuseppe Mengoli
Aphrodite Patulidou
James Atkinson
Remy van Kesteren

Anima Obscura is a collaboration between Scapino, the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra (RPhO), and Laurens Vocaal.

Anima Obscura is a lavish Gesamtkunstwerk in which choreography, video performance, animation, holograms, costume design, and live music merge seamlessly. Digital technologies challenge the expressive potential of dance and collectively create an innovative, sensual theater experience.

The performance features Ein Deutsches Requiem by Johannes Brahms, interwoven with Ein Schemen by Yannis Kyriakides—a contemporary "re-composition" for choir, harp, and electronics. The music will be performed live by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Laurens Symfonisch (choir), harpist Remy van Kesteren, and soloists Aphrodite Patoulidou (soprano) and James Atkinson (baritone).

Anima Obscura can be seen exclusively at the New Luxor Theater as part of the O. Festival for Opera. Music. Theatre. For more information, visit

In her first production for Scapino as artistic director, Nanine Linning explores the human longing for immortality: from the occult practices of alchemists to the experiments of biohackers.

All play dates of Anima Obscura

Wednesday 28 May 20258:00 PM
RotterdamNieuwe Luxortheater
Thursday 29 May 20258:00 PM
RotterdamNieuwe Luxortheater
Friday 30 May 20258:00 PM
RotterdamNieuwe Luxortheater
Saturday 31 May 20258:00 PM
RotterdamNieuwe Luxortheater
Sunday 01 Jun 20258:00 PM
RotterdamNieuwe Luxortheater

Watch, listen and marvel:

Faure Requiem concert foto met bariton Thomas Oliemans
Asmik Grigorian concert foto
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